New member registration

To register as a new member, you will need a secondhand goods business permit.
Once you have prepared it, enter your email address below and click the send button.

Initiation Fee (Account opening fee)

Admission fee 30,000 Yen (excluding tax)
Annual fee 20,000 Yen (excluding tax) (Updated every August)

※If you join during the months listed below, your first year's annual fee will be half price.
Joining month:February, March, April, May, June, July】
⇒ 10,000 yen (excluding tax)

※ Prices shown are exclusive of tax
※ Annual membership fees and registration fees are to be transferred to the specified account on the invoice issued at the end of the first auction.
By becoming a member, you will have access to both EcoAuc (brand market) and EcoTore (tool market) auctions.

For Overseas Customers
Overseas customers, please register here
If you are an oversea customer, please click here and apply from the English version web site.

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Account Registration

email address

Consent to is required.

To participate in the auction, you will need to pay an annual membership fee and an admission fee.
For details, please check .

After sending, you will receive an email with instructions for completing your registration.
If you do not receive the email, please ensure that your spam filter allows emails from "".

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